Choosing dog toys is great fun with a furry friend. Dogs of most breeds and ages like to engage in play, whether they are young or old. When choosing dog toys, some dog owners are alarmed to find out that the toy spending time in their furry friend’s mouth is not regulated in any way whatsoever. Many dog toys are laden with chemicals, plastics, and petroleum products that can potentially cause harm to your pet.
Here at Honest Pet Products, we wanted to change this issue. We love our pets and want to give them toys that we can feel good about, so we have created a space where concerned pet owners can procure eco-friendly dog toys with ease.
Even if you live outside the Oshkosh, Wisconsin area, we are able to ship our eco-friendly dog toys to you anywhere within the United States. We have created a sizeable collection of great toys that are sure to be a hit between you and your pup. With options like tug toys, stuffed owls and ducks, rattlers, frisbees, balls, and more, we have a wonderful variety of toys in different sizes that will suit every pooch.
We know that some dogs can be “ruff” on their toys, and we have accounted for this issue with our eco-friendly dog toys. We utilize natural hemp materials because hemp is one of the strongest natural fibers out there. Made primarily from naturally and responsibly sourced wool and hemp, our toys are going to give you durable fun. When you’re done with the toy and dispose of it, it will naturally decompose over time.
If you would like to learn more about the options available with our eco-friendly dog toys, we want to help. Contact us today!